15. D’Onofrio, G., Sancarlo, D., Ricciardi, F., Ruan, Q., Yu, Z., Giuliani, F., Greco, A., Cognitive stimulation and Information- Communication Technologies (ICT) in Alzheimer’s disease: a systematic review. In: Pamela Garza (Eds), Cognitive Control: Development, Assessment and Performance. Novapublisher (online) 30th July 2016 https://www.novapublishers.com

14. Casey, D., Felzmann, H., Pegman, G., Kouroupetroglou, C., Murphy, K., Koumpis, A., & Whelan, S. (2016) What People with Dementia Want: Designing MARIO an Acceptable Robot Companion. In: 15th International conference on computers Helping People with Special Needs. University of Linz, Austria: Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg July 13-15th.

13. Meftah GHRISSI, Kompaiflyer MARIO, INNOROBO 2016, Paris, France, May 24th to 26th (https://innorobo.com/fr/accueil/).

12. Felzmann, H., Beyan, T., Ryan, M., & Beyan, O. (2016). Implementing an ethical approach to big data analytics in assistive robotics for elderly with dementia. ACM SIGCAS Computers and Society, 45(3), 280-286.

11. Casey, D. (2015). So What have the romans  researchers ever done for us- MARIO. In: 15th Annual School of Nursing & Midwifery Conference, University College, Cork, Ireland, 19th November.

10. Casey, D., Kouroupetroglou, c., Koumpis, A. and Murphy, K. (2015). The perceptions of people with dementia on robot companions and their potential to reduce loneliness and isolation. In: International Conference on Social Robotics:  Improving the quality of life in the elderly using robotic assistive technology: benefits, limitations, and challenges, Paris, 31st October .

9. Casey, D., Kouroupetroglou, c., Koumpis, A. and Murphy, K. (2015). The perceptions of people with dementia on robot companions and their potential to reduce loneliness and isolation. In: 25th Alzheimer Europe Conference Dementia: Putting strategies and research into practice.

8. Mongiovì, M., Recupero, D. R., Gangemi, A., Presutti, V., Nuzzolese, A. G., & Consoli, S. (2015, October). Semantic reconciliation of knowledge extracted from text through a novel machine reader. In Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Knowledge Capture (p. 25). ACM.

7. Recupero, D. R., Gangemi, A., Mongiovi, M., Nolfi, S., Nuzzolese, A. G., Presutti, V., ... & Pegman, G. MARIO: Managing active and healthy Aging with use of caRing servIce rObots.

6. Diego Reforgiato Recupero, Aldo Gangemi, Misael Mongiovi, Stefano Nolfi, Andrea G. Nuzzolese, Valentina Presutti, Massimiliano Raciti, Thomas Messervey, Dympna Casey, Vincent Dupourque, Geoff Pegman, Alexandros Gkiokas, Andy Bleaden, Antonio Greco, Christos Kouroupetroglou, Siegfried Handschuh. MARIO: Managing active and healthy Aging with use of caring servIce robots. In Proceedings of the EU Project Networking at the 12th Extended Semantic Web Conference (ESWC2015). 2015.

5. D'Onofrio, G., James, O., Scancarlo, D., Ricciardi, F., Murphy, K., Giuliani, F., Casey, D., Greco, A. (2016) Managing active and healthy aging with use of caring service robots. In: 6th Forum Italiano dell'Ambient Assisted Living Lecco, Italy, 19-22nd May 2015

4. Andrea Nuzzolese, Misael Mongiovì. Detecting sentiment polarities with Sentilo. Theme- Concept Level Sentiment Analysis Challenge 2015  at ESWC2015

3. Andrea Nuzzolese, Sergio Peroni, Diego Reforgiato. MACJa: Metadata And Citations Jailbreaker. Theme-Semantic Publishing Challenge 2015 at ESWC2015

2. Casey, D. Kouroupetroglou, C. Kouroupetroglou, A. Koumpis, A. & Murphy, K. Managing active and healthy aging with use of caring service robots (MARIO) Fifth International Nursing & Midwifery Conference. NUIG Galway March 2015

1. Felzmann, H., Murphy, K., Casey, D., & Beyan, O. (2015). Robot-assisted care for elderly with dementia: Is there a potential for genuine end-user empowerment?”. In in Proc. of ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction Workshops. IEEE.

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